HPCI parent representatives are strategically involved with the local authority, health providers and commissioners. In Herts County Council parent reps work across Education, Social Care and to a degree HCS (adult services). We do this to influence the improvement of service provision and outcomes for our children and young people. We are solution focussed and keep the child and family at the heart of discussions and planning.
Parent representatives and HPCI Directors are not there to represent their own personal situations or advocate in the interest of their own children. They are there to work to ensure that the full range of children and young people’s needs are being identified, provided for and their outcomes improved in line with national legislation and local plans.
We work to try and influence service developments so that they are of good quality, effective and efficient. Whilst HPCI has seats at the table, this does not always result in decisions that we would wish for. HPCI parent reps do not champion one type of need or disability over another however some of the work we do does focus on one particular type of need or diagnosis.
Parent carers who volunteer as parent representatives receive training and expenses. If you are interested in becoming a parent rep then you can find out more HERE
What are our parent reps involved with?
At any one time there can be up to 60 different work streams and meetings that parent reps from HPCI attend. The majority of these are in Education and often are in place to help deliver the SEND strategy and 9 Area Groups as part of the Hertfordshire education structure of DSPL (Delivering Special Provision Locally).
Examples of other work streams include: the 0- 25 Programme Board; Short Breaks Strategy Group; All Age Autism Board; Local Offer Stakeholder and Focus groups, as well as The Further Education Provider Network.
At any one time there are around 30 parent representatives in HPCI.
Overview of key meetings that our parent reps attend
HCC= Herts County Council CCG = Clinical Commissioning Group (Health)