Our strength comes from our network of over 1,450 parent carers who have joined us and our links to local support and voluntary groups.
You can be involved with HPCI in several different ways.
Join us as a member and we will keep you up to date with news, events and consultations.
If you wish to be more involved we have a pool of Reps who, after attending a short training course, are invited to attend meetings and workstreams to represent parent views and experiences on a range of services, issues and topics.
You could join the HPCI Board Directors. These are people who meet 7 times per year and who have the ultimate legal and financial responsibility for all the activities of the organisation. They maintain an overview of policy and strategic direction for HPCI.
If you wish to know more about becoming a rep or a Director please click here to contact us or phone the Operations Lead on 07840 360245