Welcome to the final HPCI update of 2024. It’s been a really busy term, and I know that many of our children and young people (and parents) are in need of the Christmas break.
HPCI started the autumn term by meeting with the Department for Education (DfE) in September, as they reviewed Hertfordshire’s progress following last year’s Ofsted/CQC Local Area SEND report. This term, HPCI has represented parent carers in over 100 meetings. We feel that there’s been a sustained focus on improving SEND services at all levels. However, we know (and told the DfE) that many families still haven’t seen a significant change in their child’s day to day experiences. As we head into the new year, we’re hopeful that the work and attention will start to make a real difference for families.
This update includes:
2024 Annual HPCI survey headlines
When we attend meetings to represent parent carers, we rely a lot on the feedback we get from our annual survey. This year, we received an incredible 1,414 responses – our highest ever! A big thank you to everyone who took the time to take part.
Here are some key findings so far. We’ll be sharing a fuller report in the new year.
Health and Wellbeing survey for children and young people with SEND
It’s really important that children and young people also get to share their experiences. A new survey is being tested for young people in Hertfordshire who attend a special school or college, live in Hertfordshire but study outside the county, or are home educated with SEND.
If your child falls into one of these categories and hasn’t already completed the survey, there’s still time! The survey is open until 20 December 2024, and you can access it through this link. You can also watch a short introductory video about the survey here.
Local Offer webinar: Tuesday 14 January 8pm – 9pm
Our annual survey shows that many families struggle to find information about how to access advice and support. In Hertfordshire, the Local Offer website is the go-to place for SEND information. The team behind the site hosts regular webinars to help families make the most of it.
The next webinar will be on Tuesday, 14 January, from 8pm to 9pm. You can click on this link to register for the session.
The Bridge
A new support group called The Bridge will be starting in January. This group is for parents and carers, as well as young people in years 7, 8, and 9, who are finding attending school challenging – whether they’re not attending at all or are on a very reduced timetable.
We know this is a huge issue for many, so we hope this will be an opportunity for families facing these challenges to connect and find the support they need. The group starts on Wednesday, January 15 at 1pm in Hatfield Hyde and you can contact alison.cowie@hertfordshire.gov.uk or ruth.coleman@hertfordshire.gov.uk for more information.
That’s it for this last update of 2024. As ever, thank you for sharing your feedback and views in the last year – if you have anything you want to share, you can always contact us.
We know that Christmas can be a challenging time for many families – we hope that you are able to find a moment or two of peace. HPCI will be closing over the school holidays, so we can spend time with our families, but we’ll be back at it in the new year.