HPCI Member update 22 May 2024

Welcome to this week’s update which is a long one as there’s lots to cover.  We’ve split the information out into sections so you can skip on to that which is of most interest to you.

  • Hertfordshire developments
    • SEND improvement work (including the HCC Webinar: “Improving the way we manage our EHCP duties”)
    • Post-16 placements
  • Resources
    • Neurodiversity Support Hub for Hertfordshire
    • Understanding my autism / ADHD (resources and workshops for children and young people)
    • FOLLOW: early years strategies to develop speech, language and communication skills.
    • New Early Years Pathway to Support Parents
  • Events
    • Wellbeing support for parent carers (Herts NHS webinars)
    • ADASS Learning Disabilities Network in-person event
  • Giving your views
    • Alternative Provision Consultation
    • PIP Consultation
    • Visual Communication & Reading Development Research Project
    • Speech and Language UK – Family and Young People’s surveys
  • Reports
    • Parent Carer Trauma
    • New report regarding the growing levels of school absence

Hertfordshire developments

SEND improvement work in Hertfordshire.
Since last year’s Ofsted report, the local authority and its Health partners have been working to address the areas in need of attention.  In January, the local partnership published their plan to tackle the concerns that were raised by the inspection team (which have also been raised by HPCI and families over a number of years).  The first progress update has recently been published on the Local Offer website.

HPCI has had parent representatives at the many meetings that are taking place to address the improvements needed.  There is clearly political interest in the issue, and we are pleased that additional resources have led to additional staff.  However, we also know that many families are still unclear about the changes that are happening and are yet to see or feel a difference.

Webinar – “Improving the way we manage our EHCP duties” (online Thursday 23 May, 7-8PM)
To help explain the changes and what they mean for families, HCC are hosting a webinar tomorrow (Thursday) evening: “Improving the way we manage our EHCP duties”.  Details are available here and we would encourage families to send in any questions that they would like to be covered.

The local partnership has also published a response to the feedback given by families via the 2023 HPCI annual survey  – this response is available here.

Post-16 placements 
We want to flag that we are very aware that there are a number of young people still waiting for confirmation of their post-16 placement for September.  We have raised families’ concerns with officers at the council and will continue to stress how important it is that families are kept up to date and placements confirmed as soon as possible.


Neurodiversity Support Hub for Hertfordshire
HPCI has been one of the partners involved in the development of the Hertfordshire neurodiversity support hub. The hub is an advice service offering support, signposting and guidance about a whole range of things relating to ADHD and Autism.   If you’re interested, there are further details here.

Understanding my autism / ADHD (resources and workshops for children and young people)
Your child or young person might be interested in accessing the Toolbox, which is a website that contains lots of resources about Autism and ADHD resources, plus info about online and in person workshops.

FOLLOW: early years strategies to develop speech, language and communication skills.
This set of strategies has been developed for parents and carers to use at home with their little ones.  For more information, click here.

New Early Years Pathway to Support Parents
HPCI have co-produced a new insert for babies’ red books. The Early Years Pathway is there to help inform parents about their baby’s development, and help understand how to access support in Hertfordshire if they have concerns.  Click here to see the pathway, which includes a QR code which you can scan to see all the links.


Wellbeing support for parent carers (Herts NHS webinars)
Care for Parent Carers webinar (online Wednesday, 5 June, 7:00pm)
Managing difficult emotions and building resilience webinar (online Wednesday, 3 July, 7:00pm)

ADASS Learning Disabilities Network event (Wednesday 5 June)
This year’s ADASS Learning Disabilities Network in-person event being held on 5 June at the Novotel Stansted Airport.  The theme of the day will be focusing on the many ‘Transitions’ people go through in their lives and the best ways these times can be supported and tickets can be booked here.

Giving your views

PIP consultation
The government has launched a 12-week consultation on its plans to reform the system by which disabled people in England and Wales claim Personal Independence Payments (PIP).  The proposals have caused high levels of concern within the disabled community. The charity Contact has a useful briefing on their website along with details about how you can share your views (by 22 July).

Alternative Provision Consultation
Earlier this month, the Government launched a consultation which sets out proposals to introduce new national standards and new quality assurance frameworks for unregistered Alternative Provision. The consultation closes on 5 July.

Visual Communication & Reading Development Research Project (UCL)
University College London is running a project which will examine the contribution visual speech input, sign language and fingerspelling has on reading in young deaf children by following children’s development over 3 years.  If you are interested in learning more, please visit the website which has all the information about the project both in English and in BSL.


Parent Carer Trauma
Click here to access a discussion paper on trauma and parent carers of children with SEND. The paper aims to raise greater awareness of parent carer trauma and to reassure parent carers who are experiencing trauma that they are not alone. The paper also outlines the types of support which might be appropriate.

New report regarding the growing levels of school absence
Poor mental health and long waits for support are fuelling school absence, according to this new report, which may be of interest to the many families that we know are affected by this issue in Hertfordshire.

Thanks for reading to the end of this bumper update. As ever, any feedback is welcome and our contact details are below.