This update starts with a huge thank you to everyone who took part in our 2024 annual survey. We had a higher number of responses than ever before, which gives us a wealth of information about families’ experiences of the Hertfordshire SEND system. We are currently working on the analysis and will share headlines with you and the system leaders as soon as we can.
In the meantime, there’s lots going on in the world of SEND, and this update covers:
New guidance on support for unpaid carers in Hertfordshire
HCC have produced this document, which signposts to support for unpaid carers in the county: Carers’ health and wellbeing | Hertfordshire County Council. This is in addition to the “flashcard” we shared in our last newsletter.
HCC Webinar on specialist provision and inclusive mainstream schools (7pm on Wednesday 27 November)
Leaders at the council will be running this session, which will cover:
There will be a BSL interpreter at the event and you don’t need to book – just click on this Webinar joining link (or you can sign in with MS Teams using meeting ID: 376 847 150 22 and passcode: 9b4935).
Government’s call for evidence on improving the curriculum and assessment system
The Department for Education is reviewing the existing national curriculum and statutory assessment system in England to ensure they are fit for purpose and meeting the needs of children and young people. HPCI have fed into this work, emphasising the importance of making sure that this includes what works for learners with SEND. If you wanted to share your views directly, you can do so here. The call closes today (22 November).
The Law Commission consultation on reforming social care law for disabled children in England
The Department for Education asked the Law Commission to review disabled children’s social care law because it is complicated, often inaccessible and potentially unfair for disabled children. HPCI will be feeding into this consultation via the National Network of Parent Carer Forums. If you want to find out more about this work, there is helpful information on the Contact website, where you can also sign up for a discussion event (taking place on 29 November). The consultation runs until 20 January 2025 and you can give your views directly via the Law Commission’s website.
Children and Young People: Voices of Hertfordshire
Voices of Hertfordshire is the name given to the set of groups and activities where young people with SEND get together to help shape services, discuss what is important to them, while having fun and meeting new friends. For further information you can go to the Voices of Hertfordshire YouTube channel. The meetings are organised by Sarah Stevens, the HCC participation lead, and you can contact her directly to find out more or to find out which group may be best for your young person:
Children and Young People: SEND social media takeover – 3 December
Children and young people with SEND will be taking over the social media for HCC and its partners on 3 December. They will be sharing their views and experiences, as well as interviewing leaders in the system. Keep an eye across Facebook, Instagram, X and TikTok if you want to hear what they have to say (or encourage your young person to take part).
If you’re interested in seeing statistics about SEND in Hertfordshire, the council publishes this data set quarterly as part of its papers to the Education, Libraries and Lifelong Learning Panel: SEND performance update. Our parent reps keep a close eye on this information and often use it as the basis for discussions about family experiences, alongside the feedback that we get from our members.
Employing Personal Assistants: training guide
If you employ a personal assistant to support your child or young person, you might find this training guide helpful. It gives ideas about identifying your own training needs as an individual employer, and also how to meet the training needs of the assistant.