HPCI met with the Department for Education yesterday to share families’ views on current progress on the Hertfordshire improvement plan. Thank you to those of you who got in contact to share your thoughts. This week we have also met with Victoria Collins (MP for Harpenden & Berkhamsted), had one of our regular meetings with the Hertfordshire councillors who have lead responsibility for the areas that affect SEND, and attended the SEND Priority Executive Board.
This week’s update includes:
A focus on SEND for the new government?
Before the parliamentary debate on SEND in Hertfordshire on 4 September (watch here), HPCI met with Alistair Strathern (MP for Hitchin). We shared feedback on the current experiences of families, and we talked about where parent carers would like to see change and improvements at the local and national level.
Since then there has been a longer debate about SEND provision nationally and a debate about SEND in the East of England is due to take place on 8 October. Officials at the Department for Education also say that SEND is a top priority for the new Secretary of State for Education, Bridget Phillipson.
We hope that this discussion and focus on SEND will lead to better understanding of the challenges that our families face, a more inclusive approach to education and, crucially, increased investment in the services our children need. HPCI continue to provide briefings to any local MP or councillor on request as we try to improve the system in Hertfordshire.
Share your experience: Counting the Costs survey (closes 30 September)
Contact wants to find out about the financial situation for UK families with disabled children (including those with health conditions and additional needs) to help influence the new government. The survey looks at issues such as family finances, the cost of living crisis, energy and food bills, and disability benefits.
The survey will take about 20 minutes to complete and is available here. There is an opportunity at the end to win one of 10 vouchers worth £50 each as a thank you for taking part. The deadline is Monday 30 September at 10am.
Give your views: GP online services and bookings
Healthwatch Hertfordshire has been commissioned by the Herts and West Essex Integrated Care Board to explore public views and experiences of using online GP services and bookings. It would be great to make sure that the views of families who have children and young people with SEND are included – you can give your views here. The survey closes on 31 October.
Resources: webinars about autism and education
Autism Central have launched a second series of the free ‘Finding the Balance’ webinars with Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker. This new series aims to support parents and carers of autistic people to learn more about navigating education and how they can work well with their school.
Each episode features a conversation on a different topic with illustrations and practical tips. The series has seven episodes including ‘Reasonable adjustments and EHCPs’, ‘School attendance’ and ‘Why is school hard’. To watch a short clip or sign-up to see the full episodes go to: www.autismcentral.org.uk/school
Info: Learning Disability Register leaflet
NHS England has published a new leaflet to help parents decide if their child would benefit from being on the GP learning disability register. Joining the register provides a number of benefits and ensures children with a learning disability are invited for their annual health check when they turn 14. You can ask for your child to be added to the register at any age.
There is also more information about annual health checks in the Hertfordshire guide to Preparing for a Healthy Adulthood which is really worth a read if you haven’t seen it before.
Info: Designated Clinical Officer Report
Hertfordshire’s Designated Clinical Officers have a role in making sure that health services are working effectively with the local authority and others to meet their legal duties on SEND. They have published a new easy read report, explaining what they have found and the actions being taken. You can read the report here.
Many thanks for reading this update. As always, any feedback is always welcome. And keep an eye out for the launch of this year’s annual survey for families with SEND in Hertfordshire – coming soon!