Home / HPCI Parent Network Update – 9th July
Welcome to this week’s HPCI network update which has 3 items.
Reminder: Herts County Council Carers and Young Carers Strategy surveys – open until 12th July
You have just a few days left to contribute to these two surveys which can be found at the links below.
Adult carers https://surveys.hertfordshire.gov.uk/s/carersstrategysurvey
Young carers https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/XXGMX6Q
Speech and Language Therapy Petition on the Parliament website
HPCI is aware of the growing issue reported by families around being able to access speech therapy assessments and sessions for their children and young people.
We are reminding you about a petition that we have mentioned before that addresses this issue.
Gillian Rudd, a speech and language therapist, and two parents, have tabled a petition on the UK Parliament website. It calls on the UK Government to fund improved support for people of all ages with communication and swallowing needs and better access to speech and language therapy. It has already attracted over 11,000 signatures. If it reaches 100,000 then it will be considered for a parliamentary debate.
The petition can be accessed on this link https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/587872
New study – effect of the pandemic on children with SEND aged 5 to 15 years
A new study funded by The National Institute of Health Research is being led by researchers from Liverpool John Moores University, Edge Hill University, the University of Liverpool, Liverpool Health Partners and a steering group of key stakeholders, parents and children and young people with SEND. The study has been launched to learn more about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdowns on children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The surveys went live on 16th June and can be found on the link below for the next month and may be extended depending on uptake.
The link to the surveys is here: https://ljmupsych.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2lOxlXLWHxHzQFg
The study website is: https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/research/centres-and-institutes/research-centre-in-brain-and-behaviour/expertise/forensic-and-social-research/suicide-and-self-harm-research/looking-back-to-move-forward
The study Twitter page is: https://twitter.com/AskListenAct