What is an HPCI position statement?
The idea is that HPCI takes a SEND topic or service area that is of local and/or national interest and form a position on it as an organisation.
Each one is written by key members of HPCI who have a special interest or knowledge in that area. It is then reviewed by others and finally approved by our Board of Directors.
Each one has the same simple structure. These position statements form the basis of any discussions or work we may have locally with Hertfordshire County Council (HCC), the Herts and West Essex Integrated Care Board (ICB) or Health Providers.
First section: this gives an overview or outline of the key legislation/ SEND Code of Practice and any other relevant sources of guidance.
Second section: gives a general picture in England and Herts and any common views/positions held by key SEND organisations and then outlines the local situation in Hertfordshire as we see it.
Third section: is HPCI’s view as an organisation. As a minimum we want legal and SEND Code of Practice compliance. HPCI is here to reflect a ‘broad church’ of views across the whole range of SEND. So sometimes we may include opposing views held by parents on a topic.
If you would like to give us any feedback on our current position statements below or suggest a topic for a new one, then please contact us via the Contact button at the top of the page. We are aware that some of these statements are in need of updating – please do note the date of each when reading.