Return to education survey – tell us how it’s going

How is the return to education going for your children? 
As Hertfordshire’s parent carer forum, a key part of our work is to gather the views and experiences of parents/carers of children and young people with SEND.
Please help us find out how the return to education is going for your child/children.  We will share the results anonymously with Herts County Council (HCC) to help inform their work with families and education settings.  We will also use the information gathered to feed into any visit that Ofsted/CQC might make to Hertfordshire and share key points with our national organisation the NNPCF who meet regular with government departments including the Department for Education.
If you have more than one child with SEND then please complete a separate entry for each child.

The survey will be open until Sunday 8th November.
If you would like help completing the survey then contact me on 07840 360245

PLEASE – promote the survey to other parents who may not be members of HPCI’s parent network.  The impact of the survey is greater the higher the number of parents who complete it.

Our May Covid impact survey.
A big thank you to the 330 parents who completed the survey back in May. The results of HPCI’s May survey and how we used them are now available to download from our website at:
We used your responses to inform HCC and our national organisation the NNPCF about the issues parents were facing and the type of information and messages they needed to get out.
The main points were:
Free School Meal Vouchers
Access to IT
Inconsistency of education support from schools and colleges
The struggle of trying to work and education children at home
Changes in support from other services
Impact on your children’s wellbeing