25th November 20
Welcome to this week’s network update. We have 6 items in this email and an easy guide to self-isolating at the end.
Another survey we hear you cry BUT at the moment this is the best way for HPCI to find out from parents and carers what they think. HPCI is working with East & North Herts Hospital Trust on improving the experience of people with SEND when they are being admitted to hospital as an inpatient. …
20th November 20
Five items this week: AGP guidance, ADHD Foundation booklet on NICE guidance, Children’s health services in Herts, Bereavement Guides and feedback from July health survey.
17th November 20
Extra date added for the EHC needs Assessment webinar, you can also watch the previous webinars from this page including viewing the slides and booklets
12th November 20
This is a longer email than usual and the first section includes 4 national items and the second has 6 local updates.
15th October 20
How is the return to education going for your children survey?
13th October 20
Please see the latest information on coronavirus that HCC has just sent out for all parents.
9th October 20
Welcome to HPCI’s second update this week – there is one local update and then a few national ones.
6th October 20
This is one of two updates for you this week. This first one focuses on local information and updates for Hertfordshire with 6 items in total. The second one, scheduled for later in the week will be more general and national information for parents.
30th September 20
Read all the latest news in our COVID 19 Education focused update