Offering webinars is part of HPCI’s mission to help parents and carers increase their understanding, knowledge and confidence on a range of SEND topics. We work in partnership with Herts SENDIASS service and others on a number of SEND related topics. If you have any ideas for future topics that you would like covered, please contact us.
This section links to all the recordings, presentations and handouts of sessions that we have run in the past, so you can watch and read at a time that suits you! All videos have closed captions but please note that these have been auto-generated, so may contain some errors in transcription. If you are struggling to follow the captions on any specific video, please email
Autism in Schools parent carer webinar – 13 March 2024
This webinar was run for parents and carers to hear all about the Autism in Schools pilot project, which ran in Hertfordshire for three years. It also was an opportunity to hear from a wide range of organisations who provide support, advice and activities for autistic children and young people, and their families. You can watch the full video here (if you click on the video description you can skip to specific presenters). You can also see the slides here, and get contact details for the organisations who presented here.
A shorter video that just covers the support, advice and activities offer is available here and again you can skip through to the chapters that you are most interested in.
Part 1 – Applying for a EHC needs assessment
Click here to watch the recording of the webinar (1 hour with BSL interpreter).
Here is the webinar information in a booklet form EHCA NA Booklet and here is the resource pack from the webinar to download EHCA NA handouts.
Part 2 – Refusal or Agreed…What happens next? (Weeks 6-16)
Click here to watch the recording of the (45 minute, with BSL interpretation) webinar.
Here are the slides from the webinar to download EHC NA Pt. 2 slides and the resource pack mentioned in the session EHC NA Pt. 2 Handouts
Part 3 – Planning meeting & beyond (Weeks 16-20)
Click here to watch the recording of the (1 hour) webinar.
Here are the slides from the webinar to download EHC NA Pt. 3 slides and the resource pack mentioned in the session EHC NA Pt. 3 handouts
Part 4 – Annual Review
Click here to watch the recording of the (1 hour 15 minutes) webinar.
Here are the slides from the webinar to download EHCP Annual Reviews – slides Dec 2020 and the resource pack mentioned in the session Annual Review webinar handouts
Making Meetings Matter
Click here to watch the (1hr) recording.
Here is the presentation from the webinar to download Making Meetings Matter presentation and the webinar resource pack Making Meetings Matter
SEN Support in Mainstream Schools
This webinar is for those parents or carers who have a child who has or may have a special educational need. Click here to watch the webinar (50 minutes).
Here is the presentation from the webinar to download SEN Support in Schools – handouts SEN Support in Schools – presentation and the webinar information in a booklet form SEN Support in Schools – handouts
Tribunals part 1 – how to lodge your appeal
Click here to watch the recording of the (1 hour) webinar.
Here are the slides from the webinar to download: Tribunal Webinar Part 1 and the resource pack: Tribunal part 1 resource pack
Tribunals part 2 – after you have lodged your appeal
Here is the link to watch the webinar (you will need to click “start slideshow”): Tribunal Webinar Part 2
Here are the slides from the webinar to download: Tribunal Webinar Part 2 slides and the resource pack (which is the same as the resource pack from the part 1 webinar): Tribunal part 1 resource pack
Choosing a Secondary School
Click here to watch the recording of the (1 hour, with BSL interpretation) webinar.
Here are the slides from the webinar to download 2110 Choosing a school webinar and the webinar information in a booklet form Choosing a school for your child – Nov 2020 (booklet).
Choosing a primary school
Click here to watch the (1 hour) recording of the webinar.
To view the slides from this session, click here and the webinar information in a booklet form Choosing a school for your child – Nov 2020 (booklet).
Legal protections to ensure the future wellbeing of your child with SEND
This webinar was delivered by the Burnside Partnership and covers the vital importance of Wills, Trusts, Lasting Powers of Attorney & Court of Protection matters.
Click here to watch the (70 minute) webinar.
To view the slides from the session and some further related information, please click here: Estate Planning for Families of Children and Young People with SEND.
Home Education: Choices, Realities and Reintegration
Click here to watch the recording of this one-hour webinar. The slides from the session can be found here: Home education slides.
Herts SEND Public Forum – 19 May 2022
In April 2022, Herts County Council introduced a new structure for dealing with EHCPs in Hertfordshire. This 70 minute session set out to explain what this will mean for families and how it fits in with the rest of the SEND service. To watch the video, please click here.
The slides can be accessed here: SEND public forum slides May 22
Herts SEND Public Forum – 4 February 2022
This was the first of a new series of public forums that offer families the opportunity to hear directly from HCC officers about their progress in delivering the new SEND Strategy. The session included a presentation from HCC and then a Q&A session where officers responded to questions from families. To watch the (1 hour ) video, please click here.
The HCC SEND Strategy (September 2021)
Click here to watch the recording of the 65 minute webinar where HCC introduced families to the aims and ambitions of the new SEND Strategy and a panel of senior officers took questions from parents and carers.
Understanding the Local Offer
Click here to watch the recording of the (1 hour) webinar.
Details and booking for further webinars will be emailed to members of our parent network. Not a member? Then join for free.